Our sales partner Sedeco demonstrated our X9 online spectrophotometer on “Vision & Robotics” a trade show for (machine) vision, robotics and mechatronics in the High Tech regions of The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Trade show Vision & Robotics
The X9 instrument can be used for color quality control. The instrument can mesaure the color of your production continue and it can log the L*,a*,b* or X,Y,Z color data with its easy to operate software. This in case your customer has quality related questions later. Warnings and alarm levels can be set to guarantee optimum quality and for your staff to make changes to your production process.
The X9 color measurement instrument can also measure optical brighteners, used in paper production, detergents and the plastics industry.
For more information about the X9 online spectrophotometer, visit our product page: http://colourconsult.nl/products/x9-on-line-spectrophotometer/
The website of our sales partner Sedeco can be found here: www.Sedeco.nl
Information on the Trade show can be found here: http://www.vision-robotics.nl/home-en-us/